All posts by Shun

段蔓の桜V1 26-4-1Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in Kamakura.  As shown in the picture,Dankazura avenue which leads to Hachiman shrine is just like a cherry blossom tunnel.


Cherry trees along the Meguro River were perfect although it heavily rained.目黒川縮小版その2 26-4-3

Nanohana( a rape field)

    1. 二宮ー富士V-2 26-3-25I visited Mt.Azuma ,a small hill in Ninomiya with my wife a few days  ago. Nanohana was perfect. Mt Fuji was also beautiful although it became hazy with time.  Cherry blossoms will start to bloom in a week on the top of this hill.駿河湾V-2 26-3-25


I encountered this raccoon in th Meiji Shrine which is a wild one. I was very impressed. It stayed in the bush for over half an hour, watching us.明治神宮の御苑の野生狸25-4-4